Rev. Will Bowen, of Kansas City, Missouri, had an inspired moment as he was taking a shower one evening. His congregation, like many others, spent inordinate amounts of time on complaining, criticizing, gossiping, and sarcasm -- usually related to fairly trivial matters within the church. The light bulb that appeared over his head in the shower led him to encourage his folks to pledge to stop doing those things.
OK, many pastors have had that idea.
But Bowen took it further. He issued rubber purple wristbands (no latex), and asked the people to go for 21 consecutive days without complaining. The wristbands not only were a reminder of the pledge to be a non-complainer, but also, if a person took the pledge, started counting down the 21 days, and caught him/herself making a complaint, the person was supposed to move the wristband to the other arm and start over with the countdown.
Rev. Bowen required 3 1/2 months to manage a 21-day streak of no complaining. Others in the congregation took as long as 7 months.
Amazingly, the idea spread, and is spreading. If you look at the official website you will learn that over 8 million purple wristbands have been distributed throughout 106 countries. That's a lot of complaining that has ceased! More is happening all the time.
Reasons for a complaining attitude are described on the group's website, and include the desire for attention; the avoidance of action and effort; setting up a "pre-excuse" for not doing anything helpful; boasting; and, controlling others.
Regular complaining has a negative impact on the health and psyche of the complainer and disrupts relationships. Indeed, the stated purpose of A Complaint Free World is "to create a happier and more positive life."
It's difficult to think of anything bad to say about that.
Would I be complaining if I suggested that surely, someone will come up with a negative response?
My look at faith and its application to life, sharing experiences, thoughts, hopes, frustrations, and surprises.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Say What?
The United Church of Christ has a wonderful slogan, "God Is Still Speaking," which to me is different from, "God said it, I believe it, and that settles it!" The former indicates that God's intentions, hopes, and will for Creation still are unfolding and coming to light as humanity grows toward fulfillment of God's vision for life. The latter warns us that everything is decided, finished, and there is no chance beyond conformity to someone else's ideas for anything more or better.
There are candidates for national office who suggest that God speaks to and through them (although, they are competitors and may not always agree), but what they say sounds more like the conviction that the final standard for what is right, good, and perfect was recorded indelibly long ago. Is God merely repeating him/her/itself?
I admit that repetition is important in order for most people to undergo any manner of transformation of their hearts and minds, but I also don't find surprising the concept that we may not have complete awareness of the Eternal God's nature, wisdom, and desires.
One person dreaming of moving into the White House declared (as a "joke" we later learned from those who sweep up such messes) that the recent earthquakes and hurricane made things dicey and inconvenient for millions of people because of the debt ceiling debates and other economic strategies of the federal government. This insightful observation went along the lines of "What does God have to do to get our attention?"
Sunday marked the 48th anniversary of the March on Washington, at which Martin Luther King, Jr. relayed his "dream" to the nation and beyond. Were Dr. King's speech, the speeches of others that day, and the fact that hundreds of thousands of people showed up to confront the nation about bigotry and injustice indicators that God was speaking? How many of the leaders of the Civil Rights Movement were clergy? A lot. Mass meetings were held regularly in churches. Speeches and songs of the movement included image after image pertaining to God and faith. Bull Connor reportedly said, "I just couldn't stand their singing."
Is the widening gap between the haves and the have-nots God's message that affluence, avarice, greed, materialism, exploitation and all the rest determine who deserves to be blessed? I mean, there is such a thing called the "prosperity gospel" that is wildly popular and sought-after these days.
As I look at the story of God's people in scripture it seems evident that God wasn't about corralling people into a tight place, but rather sought (and I believe seeks) humanity's fullest potential for life, love, and meaning -- not that we would rise to equal footing with God, but rather that the gift of life given to us by God would be known as the blessing God intended for it to be.
We ain't there yet.
Separating, limiting, discounting, condemning and worse won't make it happen. Perhaps the self-selected few who can grab the reins of power and control will find a measure of satisfaction or what they think will give them happiness, i.e., wealth, leisure, a sense of superiority, a chair on top of the heap. But, what they also will end up experiencing are anxiety, fear, suspicion, and paranoia as they begin to recognize the resentment and anger of most of the world's population, expressed in increasingly dangerous ways.
Perhaps God speaks in all of that, too, making the point that friction exists between privilege for a small group and desperation for most.
There are candidates for national office who suggest that God speaks to and through them (although, they are competitors and may not always agree), but what they say sounds more like the conviction that the final standard for what is right, good, and perfect was recorded indelibly long ago. Is God merely repeating him/her/itself?
I admit that repetition is important in order for most people to undergo any manner of transformation of their hearts and minds, but I also don't find surprising the concept that we may not have complete awareness of the Eternal God's nature, wisdom, and desires.
One person dreaming of moving into the White House declared (as a "joke" we later learned from those who sweep up such messes) that the recent earthquakes and hurricane made things dicey and inconvenient for millions of people because of the debt ceiling debates and other economic strategies of the federal government. This insightful observation went along the lines of "What does God have to do to get our attention?"
Sunday marked the 48th anniversary of the March on Washington, at which Martin Luther King, Jr. relayed his "dream" to the nation and beyond. Were Dr. King's speech, the speeches of others that day, and the fact that hundreds of thousands of people showed up to confront the nation about bigotry and injustice indicators that God was speaking? How many of the leaders of the Civil Rights Movement were clergy? A lot. Mass meetings were held regularly in churches. Speeches and songs of the movement included image after image pertaining to God and faith. Bull Connor reportedly said, "I just couldn't stand their singing."
Is the widening gap between the haves and the have-nots God's message that affluence, avarice, greed, materialism, exploitation and all the rest determine who deserves to be blessed? I mean, there is such a thing called the "prosperity gospel" that is wildly popular and sought-after these days.
As I look at the story of God's people in scripture it seems evident that God wasn't about corralling people into a tight place, but rather sought (and I believe seeks) humanity's fullest potential for life, love, and meaning -- not that we would rise to equal footing with God, but rather that the gift of life given to us by God would be known as the blessing God intended for it to be.
We ain't there yet.
Separating, limiting, discounting, condemning and worse won't make it happen. Perhaps the self-selected few who can grab the reins of power and control will find a measure of satisfaction or what they think will give them happiness, i.e., wealth, leisure, a sense of superiority, a chair on top of the heap. But, what they also will end up experiencing are anxiety, fear, suspicion, and paranoia as they begin to recognize the resentment and anger of most of the world's population, expressed in increasingly dangerous ways.
Perhaps God speaks in all of that, too, making the point that friction exists between privilege for a small group and desperation for most.
Friday, August 19, 2011
...Neither Does Building An Ark
I'm sorry to follow up my previous post with another on the same subject, but it just annoys me that there is such dedication to the idea by some Christians that they must prove the Bible is "true." This time, it's the building of a gigantic boat that will be the main attraction of a proposed theme park in Kentucky. "Ark Encounter" will be the next project to be developed by the folks who brought you the Creation Museum, which "opened in 2007 and attracted worldwide attention for presenting stories from the Bible as historical fact, challenging evolution and asserting that the earth was created about 6,000 years ago."
Fine. If you want to spend time on that, go ahead, but I still don't see how constructing a boat 500 feet long by 80 feet tall proves anything. I also don't understand why it is deemed necessary to make such "proofs" in the first place.
Is it their own insecurity being worked out by the "Answers in Genesis" ministry that is behind all of this? Is it an effort to please God and "earn" a spot in Heaven? Is it an attempt at achieving moral or religious superiority? Is it viewed as an occasion for evangelism and conversion of non-believers?
I still maintain that the truth of scripture rings through when the lives of "believers" reflect God's love for humanity and Creation; when compassion and justice are chosen as responses to others instead of exploitation, violence, and oppression; and when the richness of the diversity of God's Creation is celebrated rather than disrupted and condemned.
When I see those and other all-too-rare occurrences, I think, "God is present." I don't need to have an ancient story "proven to be true" to recognize the truth that God wills life abundant and everlasting.
Just glean what you can about God from the witness of those who wrote what we now refer to as scripture and apply it in daily living. Develop a relationship with God through prayer, worship and other spiritual practices. Connect with fellow believers and draw on each other's presence, insight and experience to grow in your own faith journey.
Doing all of this, it seems to me, a person -- a believer -- will find truth overflowing.
Fine. If you want to spend time on that, go ahead, but I still don't see how constructing a boat 500 feet long by 80 feet tall proves anything. I also don't understand why it is deemed necessary to make such "proofs" in the first place.
Is it their own insecurity being worked out by the "Answers in Genesis" ministry that is behind all of this? Is it an effort to please God and "earn" a spot in Heaven? Is it an attempt at achieving moral or religious superiority? Is it viewed as an occasion for evangelism and conversion of non-believers?
I still maintain that the truth of scripture rings through when the lives of "believers" reflect God's love for humanity and Creation; when compassion and justice are chosen as responses to others instead of exploitation, violence, and oppression; and when the richness of the diversity of God's Creation is celebrated rather than disrupted and condemned.
When I see those and other all-too-rare occurrences, I think, "God is present." I don't need to have an ancient story "proven to be true" to recognize the truth that God wills life abundant and everlasting.
Just glean what you can about God from the witness of those who wrote what we now refer to as scripture and apply it in daily living. Develop a relationship with God through prayer, worship and other spiritual practices. Connect with fellow believers and draw on each other's presence, insight and experience to grow in your own faith journey.
Doing all of this, it seems to me, a person -- a believer -- will find truth overflowing.
Friday, August 12, 2011
A Bumper Sticker Doesn't Do The Job
Years ago I was interviewed by a search committee for a congregation in my denomination. They were looking for a pastor; I was considering a change in my career path. I didn't have great hopes for this particular opportunity, given what I had heard about the congregation, but it was close to where I lived. So, I checked it out.
In the course of the interview a woman on the committee asked the defining (for her) question: "Do you believe the Bible is the inerrant, infallible Word of God?"
I said, "No," and I knew that marked the end of my candidacy. I went on to explain that the scriptures are a witness to the faith of the people who wrote the words on the parchments over a period of 900 years or so, and that modern believers need to exercise some care and wisdom in interpreting that witness within the context of our times. After all, the texts were written in different eras, in non-English languages, in countries far away where cultures, traditions, and world-views differed vastly from our own. The Bible didn't just fall from the sky, intact as a rule book written by God with 20th or 21st Century North Americans in mind.
But, I guess I'm wrong -- at least in the eyes of many who find it a religious virtue to embrace the scriptures "AS IS," despite contradictions and factual and historical errors found throughout.
Now I read there is a 53-year (and counting) effort to "correct" the text, specifically the Hebrew Scriptures, referred to by Christians as the Old Testament. The "Bible Project," as it is known, "shows that this text at the root of Judaism, Christianity and Islam was somewhat fluid for long periods of its history, and that its transmission through the ages was messier and more human than most of us imagine."
I think some of us already were aware of that at least being a possibility...
Manuscripts discovered in caves and elsewhere don't always match. Stories were transmitted orally around camp fires for generations before they ever were written down. Editors and compilers had their own agendas. On it goes.
On one level, I suppose I can understand why the scholars of the Bible Project are trying to get everything aligned and as accurate as possible. But, to what end?
We can't nail down God (That's been tried; it didn't work. See "Christ, Jesus"). It strikes me that the more we try to do something like that, the more of an effort we are making to take ownership of God. The word "domesticate" comes to mind.
Personally, I find the scriptures to be what I call a "living word." This living word inspires people throughout time as they wrestle with their realities in life and the world. The message of God's love for humanity and Creation shines through the ancient texts from beginning to end. That message alone can keep us going.
God and my faith are not threatened by the possibility that allegory, parable, or myth were devices used to try and explain the mysterious ways that God interacts with who/what God has created. In fact, I find it liberating to understand that God is deeper and more pervasive than anything ever written to describe God's nature and being, because long-ago perceptions of reality often just don't compute in our post-modern milieu.
Taking the scriptures strictly at face value, frankly, is too small for me, and certainly sells God short. It simply cannot be all there is when you're talking about The Eternal and Almighty.
It seems, though, we don't have to be concerned about the Bible Project causing great upheaval any time soon in Biblical awareness and understanding: "This is an endeavor so meticulous, its pace so disconnected from that of the world outside, that in more than five decades of work the scholars have published a grand total of three of the Hebrew Bible's 24 books. (Christians count the same books differently, for a total of 39.) A fourth is due out during the upcoming academic year. If the pace is maintained, the final product will be complete a little over 200 years from now."
Meanwhile, God's Word speaks to the lives of people diverse, distant, and unique.
In the course of the interview a woman on the committee asked the defining (for her) question: "Do you believe the Bible is the inerrant, infallible Word of God?"
I said, "No," and I knew that marked the end of my candidacy. I went on to explain that the scriptures are a witness to the faith of the people who wrote the words on the parchments over a period of 900 years or so, and that modern believers need to exercise some care and wisdom in interpreting that witness within the context of our times. After all, the texts were written in different eras, in non-English languages, in countries far away where cultures, traditions, and world-views differed vastly from our own. The Bible didn't just fall from the sky, intact as a rule book written by God with 20th or 21st Century North Americans in mind.
But, I guess I'm wrong -- at least in the eyes of many who find it a religious virtue to embrace the scriptures "AS IS," despite contradictions and factual and historical errors found throughout.
Now I read there is a 53-year (and counting) effort to "correct" the text, specifically the Hebrew Scriptures, referred to by Christians as the Old Testament. The "Bible Project," as it is known, "shows that this text at the root of Judaism, Christianity and Islam was somewhat fluid for long periods of its history, and that its transmission through the ages was messier and more human than most of us imagine."
I think some of us already were aware of that at least being a possibility...
Manuscripts discovered in caves and elsewhere don't always match. Stories were transmitted orally around camp fires for generations before they ever were written down. Editors and compilers had their own agendas. On it goes.
On one level, I suppose I can understand why the scholars of the Bible Project are trying to get everything aligned and as accurate as possible. But, to what end?
We can't nail down God (That's been tried; it didn't work. See "Christ, Jesus"). It strikes me that the more we try to do something like that, the more of an effort we are making to take ownership of God. The word "domesticate" comes to mind.
Personally, I find the scriptures to be what I call a "living word." This living word inspires people throughout time as they wrestle with their realities in life and the world. The message of God's love for humanity and Creation shines through the ancient texts from beginning to end. That message alone can keep us going.
God and my faith are not threatened by the possibility that allegory, parable, or myth were devices used to try and explain the mysterious ways that God interacts with who/what God has created. In fact, I find it liberating to understand that God is deeper and more pervasive than anything ever written to describe God's nature and being, because long-ago perceptions of reality often just don't compute in our post-modern milieu.
Taking the scriptures strictly at face value, frankly, is too small for me, and certainly sells God short. It simply cannot be all there is when you're talking about The Eternal and Almighty.
It seems, though, we don't have to be concerned about the Bible Project causing great upheaval any time soon in Biblical awareness and understanding: "This is an endeavor so meticulous, its pace so disconnected from that of the world outside, that in more than five decades of work the scholars have published a grand total of three of the Hebrew Bible's 24 books. (Christians count the same books differently, for a total of 39.) A fourth is due out during the upcoming academic year. If the pace is maintained, the final product will be complete a little over 200 years from now."
Meanwhile, God's Word speaks to the lives of people diverse, distant, and unique.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
John 11:35 (KJV)
Perusing the "religion headlines" on a website, I was struck by the overwhelming number of stories and reports that had to do with violence, human discord and division, and downright hatred. I'm not aware of any faith that promotes spiritual growth, awareness, or peace through such adverse activities or mindsets. Yet, these dominate the "news" related to religious groups and issues.
One article describes how Christians reacted to the appearance of a self-avowed atheist on FOX News: "(Recently) Blair Scott, communications director for American Atheists, was on the FOX News show America Live with Megyn Kelly. As soon as Scott returned home after the show, his inbox began filling up with hate mail and threats. Equally distressing, the Fox News Facebook page was soon inundated with death threats aimed at Scott and atheists in general."
If you look at the article, you will see screenshots of Facebook postings that reflect poorly on "followers" of Jesus.
Some are referring to the Norway shooter as a "Christian Terrorist." He wrote over a thousand pages about how non-Christians should be removed from Europe. He did not propose that the removal should be accomplished through polite suggestion or invitation. (Of course, when many first heard reports of the bombing and massacre in Norway, the immediate assumption was that Muslims had something to do with it. What a surprise that it was a "follower" of Jesus.)
The bigamist on trial for sexually assaulting underage females objected to the charges and demanded that his trial be stopped immediately. When the judge thought otherwise, the accused pulled out a "letter from God" that promised "sickness and death" to those involved in calling him to account for his actions.
Meanwhile, churches are facing challenges, struggling for survival, even disappearing after many long years of existence and ministry. Some cannot imagine or understand why. After all, the Christian faith promotes new life, peace, hope, healing, and many other blessings. Correct?
Someone seems to be missing the point. Lots of someones.
One article describes how Christians reacted to the appearance of a self-avowed atheist on FOX News: "(Recently) Blair Scott, communications director for American Atheists, was on the FOX News show America Live with Megyn Kelly. As soon as Scott returned home after the show, his inbox began filling up with hate mail and threats. Equally distressing, the Fox News Facebook page was soon inundated with death threats aimed at Scott and atheists in general."
If you look at the article, you will see screenshots of Facebook postings that reflect poorly on "followers" of Jesus.
Some are referring to the Norway shooter as a "Christian Terrorist." He wrote over a thousand pages about how non-Christians should be removed from Europe. He did not propose that the removal should be accomplished through polite suggestion or invitation. (Of course, when many first heard reports of the bombing and massacre in Norway, the immediate assumption was that Muslims had something to do with it. What a surprise that it was a "follower" of Jesus.)
The bigamist on trial for sexually assaulting underage females objected to the charges and demanded that his trial be stopped immediately. When the judge thought otherwise, the accused pulled out a "letter from God" that promised "sickness and death" to those involved in calling him to account for his actions.
Meanwhile, churches are facing challenges, struggling for survival, even disappearing after many long years of existence and ministry. Some cannot imagine or understand why. After all, the Christian faith promotes new life, peace, hope, healing, and many other blessings. Correct?
Someone seems to be missing the point. Lots of someones.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Bringing In The Sheaves
What inspires a person to go to a church service when he or she normally does not attend? For some, it might be an event, change, or challenge in life that gets the person thinking in a new way, perhaps raising the possibility that seeking God's presence would be a good idea. For others, a personal invitation from a friend, family member, co-worker, or other acquaintance brings them to church. My sense is that when people observe the transforming effect of an active spiritual life on someone's attitudes, priorities and behaviors, it garners attention.
I don't think that a pre-race prayer at a NASCAR track will do the trick.
According to an online article, a Tennessee pastor offered an invocation prior to a race at Nashville Superspeedway. The only content of the prayer described in the article was that the minister, a person named Joe Nelms, thanked God for his "smokin' hot wife," which evidently was a line borrowed from the Will Farrell movie, Talladega Nights.
Nelms explained his rationale this way: "I want to get somebody's attention, so that's been our desire every time we've been up there, to try to make an impact on the fans and give them something they'll remember, and maybe they'll go home on a Friday night or a Saturday night and say, 'Maybe I ought to get up and go to church in the morning.’"
Personally, I'm not a fan of invocations at sporting events, secular building dedications, or similar non-religious activities or places. I just don't find meaning in such prayers. To me, it's phony, and there already is enough of that connected to the faith.
So, I can't imagine anyone who "prayed" along with Joe Nelms was inspired to find a house of worship that weekend.
Churches struggle these days with attracting people. Some try catchy phrases or amusing sentiments on their marquee signs. Others offer spaghetti dinners or similar programs. On rare occasions I have heard of churches handing out money to people who show up on a given Sunday morning.
Worship styles, music, dress codes, theologies, and doctrinal matters all enter into play as congregations wring their hands over how to get more "meat in the seats."
Unfortunately, the magic technique for which so many search and pray does not exist.
It seems to me that the best approach to being the church is to find ways to be faithful to Jesus' call, "Follow me." That includes being persistent and creative in expressing love for God and neighbor.
People who study such things tell us that the current generation of spiritual seekers is looking for something to which they can give their hearts. They are looking for authentic relationships.
I don't believe they are looking for gimmicks.
I don't think that a pre-race prayer at a NASCAR track will do the trick.
According to an online article, a Tennessee pastor offered an invocation prior to a race at Nashville Superspeedway. The only content of the prayer described in the article was that the minister, a person named Joe Nelms, thanked God for his "smokin' hot wife," which evidently was a line borrowed from the Will Farrell movie, Talladega Nights.
Nelms explained his rationale this way: "I want to get somebody's attention, so that's been our desire every time we've been up there, to try to make an impact on the fans and give them something they'll remember, and maybe they'll go home on a Friday night or a Saturday night and say, 'Maybe I ought to get up and go to church in the morning.’"
Personally, I'm not a fan of invocations at sporting events, secular building dedications, or similar non-religious activities or places. I just don't find meaning in such prayers. To me, it's phony, and there already is enough of that connected to the faith.
So, I can't imagine anyone who "prayed" along with Joe Nelms was inspired to find a house of worship that weekend.
Churches struggle these days with attracting people. Some try catchy phrases or amusing sentiments on their marquee signs. Others offer spaghetti dinners or similar programs. On rare occasions I have heard of churches handing out money to people who show up on a given Sunday morning.
Worship styles, music, dress codes, theologies, and doctrinal matters all enter into play as congregations wring their hands over how to get more "meat in the seats."
Unfortunately, the magic technique for which so many search and pray does not exist.
It seems to me that the best approach to being the church is to find ways to be faithful to Jesus' call, "Follow me." That includes being persistent and creative in expressing love for God and neighbor.
People who study such things tell us that the current generation of spiritual seekers is looking for something to which they can give their hearts. They are looking for authentic relationships.
I don't believe they are looking for gimmicks.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Friday Frivolity
As I stood waiting to check-out at the grocery store I got caught up on the latest celebrity headlines and laughed out loud at photos of "stars" and their attempts, through surgery and injections, at stopping the effects of time on their glamorous faces. Naturally, the most unflattering pictures were published on the cover of one of the informative tabloids littering the counter.
Also catching my eye was a commemorative issue of Oprah's magazine, which always depicts herself on the front. This one celebrated her many years on television, and was emblazoned with quotes and teasers enticing us to buy and read about how her TV show changed lives and the world as we know it. Better grab it soon. It's a steal at $11.99.
Thinking that was the ultimate bit of Oprah awareness for my day, I was chastened to read online that someone dared refer to her as the "Antichrist." Now, I'm no fan, but I never entertained this particular notion.
The article states that "Oprah Winfrey is evil - that is, according to Mike Bickle, head of the International House of Prayer (IHOP). After a video of Bickle comparing Oprah to the 'Antichrist' uncovered by the People for the American Way Right Wing Watch surfaced earlier this week, entertainment sources including the Hollywood Reporter eagerly picked up the story."
I am not familiar with Mike Bickle, so I can only speculate about his credentials, spiritual maturity, and sanity. Likewise, his organization.
While I considered his prophetic insights regarding Oprah, I noticed the attached "slideshow" taking us through a list of other Antichrist candidates. Naturally, the Current Occupant and most recent past president were on the list, as were the pope and Sarah Palin. I understand people attaching such a label to them (and those who fill their slots in other times and eras).
But, others on the list surprised me. Prince William? What did he do? (What DOES he do?) Steven Spielberg? Even if you don't like his movies, that's no reason to suggest he will usher in the end of time!
One person on the list I never heard of is named Rebecca Black.
Supposedly, "Rebecca's first name means 'to tie' or 'to bind,' which, combined with her last name, could mean 'To tie to darkness.' And while the lyrics to Black's undeniably catchy hit song encourage listeners to engage in 'reckless rebellion' by 'jumping in an already crowded vehicle and taking off into Satan knows where,' it's the obsession with 'getting down' - the direction to Hell - which seems most damning.'"
OK. Also, I noticed in the photo she wears black fingernail polish - surely, a give-away!
I guess Antichrists come and go (John Lennon, MLK, Jr., Ronald Reagan, et. al.) and exist in the eye of the beholder.
But why must we spend so much time on figuring out who it might be? And why is it always someone well-known, powerful, or popular?
Me, I don't try to guess. Besides, people of faith know the outcome of whatever ensues when or if he/she/it appears.
Also catching my eye was a commemorative issue of Oprah's magazine, which always depicts herself on the front. This one celebrated her many years on television, and was emblazoned with quotes and teasers enticing us to buy and read about how her TV show changed lives and the world as we know it. Better grab it soon. It's a steal at $11.99.
Thinking that was the ultimate bit of Oprah awareness for my day, I was chastened to read online that someone dared refer to her as the "Antichrist." Now, I'm no fan, but I never entertained this particular notion.
The article states that "Oprah Winfrey is evil - that is, according to Mike Bickle, head of the International House of Prayer (IHOP). After a video of Bickle comparing Oprah to the 'Antichrist' uncovered by the People for the American Way Right Wing Watch surfaced earlier this week, entertainment sources including the Hollywood Reporter eagerly picked up the story."
I am not familiar with Mike Bickle, so I can only speculate about his credentials, spiritual maturity, and sanity. Likewise, his organization.
While I considered his prophetic insights regarding Oprah, I noticed the attached "slideshow" taking us through a list of other Antichrist candidates. Naturally, the Current Occupant and most recent past president were on the list, as were the pope and Sarah Palin. I understand people attaching such a label to them (and those who fill their slots in other times and eras).
But, others on the list surprised me. Prince William? What did he do? (What DOES he do?) Steven Spielberg? Even if you don't like his movies, that's no reason to suggest he will usher in the end of time!
One person on the list I never heard of is named Rebecca Black.
Supposedly, "Rebecca's first name means 'to tie' or 'to bind,' which, combined with her last name, could mean 'To tie to darkness.' And while the lyrics to Black's undeniably catchy hit song encourage listeners to engage in 'reckless rebellion' by 'jumping in an already crowded vehicle and taking off into Satan knows where,' it's the obsession with 'getting down' - the direction to Hell - which seems most damning.'"
OK. Also, I noticed in the photo she wears black fingernail polish - surely, a give-away!
I guess Antichrists come and go (John Lennon, MLK, Jr., Ronald Reagan, et. al.) and exist in the eye of the beholder.
But why must we spend so much time on figuring out who it might be? And why is it always someone well-known, powerful, or popular?
Me, I don't try to guess. Besides, people of faith know the outcome of whatever ensues when or if he/she/it appears.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Going Against The Grain
We had as our text today in worship the parable of the Wheat and the Weeds from Matthew 13:
‘The kingdom of heaven may be compared to someone who sowed good seed in his field; but while everybody was asleep, an enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and then went away. So when the plants came up and bore grain, then the weeds appeared as well. And the slaves of the householder came and said to him, “Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? Where, then, did these weeds come from?” He answered, “An enemy has done this.” The slaves said to him, “Then do you want us to go and gather them?” But he replied, “No; for in gathering the weeds you would uproot the wheat along with them. Let both of them grow together until the harvest; and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, Collect the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn."’
Jesus apparently was not much of a farmer. Most farmers likely would do their best to keep the weeds away from their crop. It's almost as if Jesus were saying that the weeds might have some potential for good. Indeed, at least they could be used for fuel, a precious commodity in such an arid environment.
Of course, many of us pew people automatically assume we are the good guys in the parables of Jesus, so we're surprised when he says "let the weeds grow along with the wheat." Surely, the weeds -- those who aren't "saved" like we are -- need to be dealt with, and NOW. That will make life better, and certainly must be pleasing to God!
If the truth were told, a lot of us "wheaties" have weediness about us. And, lucky for us, God loves, relates to, and even works through weedy people -- at least according to scripture. Check out Jonah who refused (at first) to preach to those losers at Ninevah, whom he despised, because he knew that God would grant them new life if they heeded the call to repentance. Think about the stinking shepherds who received the message of the birth of God's son. Consider the Samaritan woman Jesus met at the well, that no good, bed-hopping, half-breed heretic who became one of the first evangelists, telling others about Jesus; or Mary Magdalene, also of ill-repute, who was a witness to the resurrection while Peter and the other insiders played it safe behind locked doors and shuttered windows.
So, we might not be so smug. Or judgmental.
I think it was the summer I was 13 years old when I visited cousins in Ohio for a few days. They owned some horses, and likely it was the only time I rode. We clip-clopped around the area, just slowly, because we didn't know what we were doing. I remember riding along a canal, through the grounds of a camp run by the Y, and maybe a couple of other places.
Coming back to my cousins' property one day, the horse I rode caught sight of the stable, and he took off running at full speed. I couldn’t do anything but hold on for dear life, both hands tightly gripping the horn of the saddle. I honestly thought that horse would run right into the stable, but at the last instant he slammed on the brakes.
Inertia made me lean way forward, and I almost fell off, right over the horse's head. Little stones, dirt clods, and clumps of grass flew over me from behind, slamming into the wall of the stable. But, I was safe.
Seems to me that's kind of like how it is with God’s people in the parable --the "wheat" collected into the barns. It's beyond our control, there are lots of dirt clods, and rocks, and clumps of grass along way. But if we can hang on for the ride, the ride of following Jesus, wherever it takes us or whatever it calls us to do, we can make it safely to the barn.
By God's grace.
In spite of ourselves.
‘The kingdom of heaven may be compared to someone who sowed good seed in his field; but while everybody was asleep, an enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and then went away. So when the plants came up and bore grain, then the weeds appeared as well. And the slaves of the householder came and said to him, “Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? Where, then, did these weeds come from?” He answered, “An enemy has done this.” The slaves said to him, “Then do you want us to go and gather them?” But he replied, “No; for in gathering the weeds you would uproot the wheat along with them. Let both of them grow together until the harvest; and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, Collect the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn."’
Jesus apparently was not much of a farmer. Most farmers likely would do their best to keep the weeds away from their crop. It's almost as if Jesus were saying that the weeds might have some potential for good. Indeed, at least they could be used for fuel, a precious commodity in such an arid environment.
Of course, many of us pew people automatically assume we are the good guys in the parables of Jesus, so we're surprised when he says "let the weeds grow along with the wheat." Surely, the weeds -- those who aren't "saved" like we are -- need to be dealt with, and NOW. That will make life better, and certainly must be pleasing to God!
If the truth were told, a lot of us "wheaties" have weediness about us. And, lucky for us, God loves, relates to, and even works through weedy people -- at least according to scripture. Check out Jonah who refused (at first) to preach to those losers at Ninevah, whom he despised, because he knew that God would grant them new life if they heeded the call to repentance. Think about the stinking shepherds who received the message of the birth of God's son. Consider the Samaritan woman Jesus met at the well, that no good, bed-hopping, half-breed heretic who became one of the first evangelists, telling others about Jesus; or Mary Magdalene, also of ill-repute, who was a witness to the resurrection while Peter and the other insiders played it safe behind locked doors and shuttered windows.
So, we might not be so smug. Or judgmental.
I think it was the summer I was 13 years old when I visited cousins in Ohio for a few days. They owned some horses, and likely it was the only time I rode. We clip-clopped around the area, just slowly, because we didn't know what we were doing. I remember riding along a canal, through the grounds of a camp run by the Y, and maybe a couple of other places.
Coming back to my cousins' property one day, the horse I rode caught sight of the stable, and he took off running at full speed. I couldn’t do anything but hold on for dear life, both hands tightly gripping the horn of the saddle. I honestly thought that horse would run right into the stable, but at the last instant he slammed on the brakes.
Inertia made me lean way forward, and I almost fell off, right over the horse's head. Little stones, dirt clods, and clumps of grass flew over me from behind, slamming into the wall of the stable. But, I was safe.
Seems to me that's kind of like how it is with God’s people in the parable --the "wheat" collected into the barns. It's beyond our control, there are lots of dirt clods, and rocks, and clumps of grass along way. But if we can hang on for the ride, the ride of following Jesus, wherever it takes us or whatever it calls us to do, we can make it safely to the barn.
By God's grace.
In spite of ourselves.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Grand Ol' Assembly
Well, it was hot in Nashville. I think they may have set a record for heat this week, along with a few other cities across the middle of the country.
The General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) was well worth the time and effort to be there. We saw many friends and colleagues from other places, and enjoyed the Nashville ambiance. The worship services and music were terrific.
I had no idea that cowboy boots were such a big deal in Nashville, but along Broadway there were numerous shops offering wide-ranging styles, designs and prices. My favorites were sized for young cowpokes. The tiny boots had lights in the heels that flashed with each stomp.
At several places along the way, wanna-be singers were set up offering their passion and talents in the hopes of being discovered.
The fun part of our hotel stay was the fact that Little Richard was a guest there, as well. We had just seen him on television, as he performed at the Capitol Fourth celebration on PBS. So, it was a surprise to see him up close and personal at our hotel in Nashville. As Little Richard said to Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show quite a few years ago, "The beauty is still on duty!"
Probably the most memorable phrase from the line-up of outstanding speakers at the assembly was this: "Heaven is not a gated community." I forget now who said it, perhaps Fred Craddock, the revered elder statesman preacher and storyteller of our denomination. But, the point is clear, and was made numerous times throughout the gathering.
There was a lot of talk at the assembly about transformation of congregations and their ministries. One insightful observation was that transformation and revitalization are not the same. Revitalization is more re-building what once existed, while transformation is making something new entirely. What the church needs is transformation. Revitalization is a nostalgic pipe dream.
The theme of the assembly was "Tell It!" and several speakers did just that. Now, if only the other 5,000+ of us who were there will follow suit, transformation may become a reality for our congregations.
The General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) was well worth the time and effort to be there. We saw many friends and colleagues from other places, and enjoyed the Nashville ambiance. The worship services and music were terrific.
I had no idea that cowboy boots were such a big deal in Nashville, but along Broadway there were numerous shops offering wide-ranging styles, designs and prices. My favorites were sized for young cowpokes. The tiny boots had lights in the heels that flashed with each stomp.
At several places along the way, wanna-be singers were set up offering their passion and talents in the hopes of being discovered.
The fun part of our hotel stay was the fact that Little Richard was a guest there, as well. We had just seen him on television, as he performed at the Capitol Fourth celebration on PBS. So, it was a surprise to see him up close and personal at our hotel in Nashville. As Little Richard said to Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show quite a few years ago, "The beauty is still on duty!"
Probably the most memorable phrase from the line-up of outstanding speakers at the assembly was this: "Heaven is not a gated community." I forget now who said it, perhaps Fred Craddock, the revered elder statesman preacher and storyteller of our denomination. But, the point is clear, and was made numerous times throughout the gathering.
There was a lot of talk at the assembly about transformation of congregations and their ministries. One insightful observation was that transformation and revitalization are not the same. Revitalization is more re-building what once existed, while transformation is making something new entirely. What the church needs is transformation. Revitalization is a nostalgic pipe dream.
The theme of the assembly was "Tell It!" and several speakers did just that. Now, if only the other 5,000+ of us who were there will follow suit, transformation may become a reality for our congregations.
Friday, July 8, 2011
See You -- Sort Of!
The biennial General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) officially gets underway tomorrow, July 9, with the opening worship service at the convention center in Nashville, Tennessee. The theme for the assembly is "Tell It!" and I will be among the 6,000 or so Disciples converging on Nashville. There will be some outstanding speakers this year: Brian McLaren, Amy-Jill Levine, Marian Wright Edelman, and others. Opportunities for learning will abound, and it will be fun to see friends and colleagues known from around the country.
Live video-streaming of the assembly worship services is available to anyone with a computer and Internet access. You will find the services here.
This is the schedule:
■Opening Worship on Sat., July 9, at 7:30pm (webcast begins at 7:00pm);
■HIV/AIDS Healing Service on Sun., July 10, at 8:30am (webcast begins at 8:00am);
■State of the Church on Sun., featuring Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins, General Minister and President, July 10, at 2:30pm (webcast begins at 2:20pm);
■“Sing It!” Concert on Sun., July 10, at 7:00pm (webcast begins at 6:30pm);
■Emergent Worship on Mon., July 11, at 7:30pm (webcast begins at 7:00pm);
■“Tell It!” Testimonies on Tues., July 12, at 7:30pm (webcast begins at 7:00pm);
■Commissioning Worship on Wed., July 13, at 7:30pm (webcast begins at 7:00pm).
Other information about the General Assembly can be found here.
See you in Nashville, virtually and in real time!
Live video-streaming of the assembly worship services is available to anyone with a computer and Internet access. You will find the services here.
This is the schedule:
■Opening Worship on Sat., July 9, at 7:30pm (webcast begins at 7:00pm);
■HIV/AIDS Healing Service on Sun., July 10, at 8:30am (webcast begins at 8:00am);
■State of the Church on Sun., featuring Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins, General Minister and President, July 10, at 2:30pm (webcast begins at 2:20pm);
■“Sing It!” Concert on Sun., July 10, at 7:00pm (webcast begins at 6:30pm);
■Emergent Worship on Mon., July 11, at 7:30pm (webcast begins at 7:00pm);
■“Tell It!” Testimonies on Tues., July 12, at 7:30pm (webcast begins at 7:00pm);
■Commissioning Worship on Wed., July 13, at 7:30pm (webcast begins at 7:00pm).
Other information about the General Assembly can be found here.
See you in Nashville, virtually and in real time!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Field Of Dreams
Reading about the passing of Barry Bremen, a.k.a. "The Great Imposter," brought up several thoughts to me this morning. Bremen was known for showing up at events such as professional baseball and basketball games, somehow getting on the field or court and acting as if he were a participant. He took part in the warm-ups prior to an NBA All-Star game, caught batting practice fly balls at Yankee Stadium, and -- my favorite -- showed up for the pre-game home plate meeting of managers and umpires during a World Series. He was dressed as an umpire. Bremen even accepted an Emmy award for an actress who did not get to the stage before he showed up.
This guy was too much.
Reading today about Bremen and his exploits, I thought back to a few years ago when I attended "FanFest" held on the fake grass playing surface at Tropicana Field, home of the Tampa Bay Rays baseball team. As I wandered around looking at the people lined up for autographs of Rays players, booths selling baseball cards and other similar items, and kids waiting their turn to take a few batting practice swings as a Rays staffer tossed wiffle balls, I noticed a guy on the edge of middle age in the left field corner. He wore his ball glove and was, with great energy and enthusiasm, throwing a baseball against the padded outfield wall, fielding the rebounds. "Why is he doing that?"
Maybe he always wanted to play baseball in a major league stadium, and this was his big opportunity. Maybe he hoped a Rays official, seeing his dedication and skill, might offer him a contract. Maybe he wanted others to think he was a real player getting in a workout. Maybe he was taking out untold frustrations. I didn't interrupt him to ask about his intentions.
My own youth was filled with notions of a baseball career, but probably deep down I knew I didn't possess the skill and dedication required to make it to the major leagues. It was fun to consider, though, and I have thought at times I should have stayed with it when I was in college. In a conversation about this with a friend who actually did play in the major leagues, he remarked, "There is no sense in regretting not doing something that really isn't that great."
Reading about Barry Bremen, I thought there are numerous ways we pretend to be someone besides who we really are, either to impress others or maybe even to deceive ourselves. Is the grass always greener on the other side? Does our culture encourage us to yearn for something artificial? In that yearning, are we in danger of missing the beauty and meaning that can be found in authentic relationships, based in reality, with others and our Creator?
Seems to me we often, unfortunately, are willing to take that chance.
This guy was too much.
Reading today about Bremen and his exploits, I thought back to a few years ago when I attended "FanFest" held on the fake grass playing surface at Tropicana Field, home of the Tampa Bay Rays baseball team. As I wandered around looking at the people lined up for autographs of Rays players, booths selling baseball cards and other similar items, and kids waiting their turn to take a few batting practice swings as a Rays staffer tossed wiffle balls, I noticed a guy on the edge of middle age in the left field corner. He wore his ball glove and was, with great energy and enthusiasm, throwing a baseball against the padded outfield wall, fielding the rebounds. "Why is he doing that?"
Maybe he always wanted to play baseball in a major league stadium, and this was his big opportunity. Maybe he hoped a Rays official, seeing his dedication and skill, might offer him a contract. Maybe he wanted others to think he was a real player getting in a workout. Maybe he was taking out untold frustrations. I didn't interrupt him to ask about his intentions.
My own youth was filled with notions of a baseball career, but probably deep down I knew I didn't possess the skill and dedication required to make it to the major leagues. It was fun to consider, though, and I have thought at times I should have stayed with it when I was in college. In a conversation about this with a friend who actually did play in the major leagues, he remarked, "There is no sense in regretting not doing something that really isn't that great."
Reading about Barry Bremen, I thought there are numerous ways we pretend to be someone besides who we really are, either to impress others or maybe even to deceive ourselves. Is the grass always greener on the other side? Does our culture encourage us to yearn for something artificial? In that yearning, are we in danger of missing the beauty and meaning that can be found in authentic relationships, based in reality, with others and our Creator?
Seems to me we often, unfortunately, are willing to take that chance.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Hotter Than The Fourth Of July
The headline looks like something one would read in The Onion: After Controversy, Baptists Affirm Belief in Eternal Hell. The accompanying real article describes how the Southern Baptist Convention actually voted during their annual gathering in Phoenix to proclaim to the rest of the world that "hell (is) an 'eternal, conscious punishment' for those who do not accept Jesus." This was in response to a recent book by mega-church star Rob Bell called Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Has Ever Lived that questions such notions.
So, now we know. And we're shaking in our flip-flops.
But, I still have a question. If hell is for those who "do not accept Jesus," I need to know something. Which Jesus are we talking about?
Is it sweet Jesus, meek and mild, the Nicest Man Who Ever Lived? Is it Jesus the Miracle Worker who we call upon to exempt us from illness, troubles, job loss, and pain? Is it Jesus who wields the Sword of the Lord, slicing and dicing everyone who does not adhere to the moral code we impose upon other people? Is it Jesus who speaks King James English? Is it Jesus who, although he was born in what we call the Middle East, bears Anglo-Saxon features?
Which Jesus is it that we have to accept in order to avoid the eternal hell voted upon by the Southern Baptist Convention?
With over 30,000 Protestant denominations currently existing in the world -- all of which call Jesus "Lord and Savior," but who stand at odds with their sisters and brothers in the faith because of doctrinal differences -- one gets the impression that Jesus represents different things to different people. Just who else will we see when we are burning and screaming in hell?
How about instead of "accepting" Jesus in order to avoid eternal damnation, we try to grow closer to him (not closer to creeds, doctrines, theologies, or Christologies) so that our lives are reflective of light and truth and love? How about we de-emphasize religion and correct belief and focus on faithfulness? How about we live now, today, and always into the Reign of God that exists throughout Creation rather than trying to avoid at some future date extreme heat and the stench of sulphur?
I soon will attend the General Assembly of my church, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and fortunately, we won't be voting to reaffirm hell's torment. Although, I assume it gets plenty warm in Nashville in the summertime...
So, now we know. And we're shaking in our flip-flops.
But, I still have a question. If hell is for those who "do not accept Jesus," I need to know something. Which Jesus are we talking about?
Is it sweet Jesus, meek and mild, the Nicest Man Who Ever Lived? Is it Jesus the Miracle Worker who we call upon to exempt us from illness, troubles, job loss, and pain? Is it Jesus who wields the Sword of the Lord, slicing and dicing everyone who does not adhere to the moral code we impose upon other people? Is it Jesus who speaks King James English? Is it Jesus who, although he was born in what we call the Middle East, bears Anglo-Saxon features?
Which Jesus is it that we have to accept in order to avoid the eternal hell voted upon by the Southern Baptist Convention?
With over 30,000 Protestant denominations currently existing in the world -- all of which call Jesus "Lord and Savior," but who stand at odds with their sisters and brothers in the faith because of doctrinal differences -- one gets the impression that Jesus represents different things to different people. Just who else will we see when we are burning and screaming in hell?
How about instead of "accepting" Jesus in order to avoid eternal damnation, we try to grow closer to him (not closer to creeds, doctrines, theologies, or Christologies) so that our lives are reflective of light and truth and love? How about we de-emphasize religion and correct belief and focus on faithfulness? How about we live now, today, and always into the Reign of God that exists throughout Creation rather than trying to avoid at some future date extreme heat and the stench of sulphur?
I soon will attend the General Assembly of my church, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and fortunately, we won't be voting to reaffirm hell's torment. Although, I assume it gets plenty warm in Nashville in the summertime...
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
It's Starting Up Again
I always get a kick out of remembering a story from the days when Martin Luther King, Jr. was actively engaged in his leadership of the Civil Rights Movement. At one point, Dr. King was arrested for a traffic violation in Georgia, and under the cover of night, he was transferred from the city jail to a state penitentiary, a very dangerous circumstance. This was during the 1960 presidential campaign season, and Dr. King's wife, Coretta, appealed to John F. Kennedy's staff for assistance. Then-Senator Kennedy made a phone call or two and Dr. King was released from prison.
The funny part of the story occurred when Daddy King -- Rev. Martin Luther King, Sr. -- made a point of telling his congregation what had happened, and that he recommended they support JFK in the upcoming election, "even though he's a Catholic!" I find the irony of that declaration to be highly amusing.
What is not amusing, though, is the way politicians manipulate and exploit religious faith, especially during campaign and election seasons. Not only is it not amusing, it's downright insulting.
Two Mormons are contending for the presidential nomination of their party, and both are downplaying their faith connections and commitments because polls apparently indicate many Americans are leery of a Mormon in the White House (deja' vu all over again from 1960 and the irrational fear of a Roman Catholic president). Furthermore, both are accused of altering their views on important issues, shifting further to the right in order to appeal to "conservative and evangelical Christians."
In other words, "I want your vote, so I'll tell you that I see things the way I imagine you see them." It's not just the Mormon candidates who do this.
Frankly, I don't know why people want to please that particular constituency. While the "profile" of Christian conservatives largely may line up with the trend of a specific party, my sense is that most Americans are not looking for that type of leader.
But, it happens, and many advocates of a conservative "Christian" social agenda fall for it. The aroma of power is very intoxicating. Just hang around Capitol Hill for a while, and you'll see what I mean. Some folks refer to it as "Potomac Fever." The symptoms and disease are not unique to any one ideology.
No lesser an authority than Richard Cizik has stated publicly that politicians will do whatever they can to get elected, including using people of faith. When the election is won, however, dynamics, agendas, positions, and access change. Cizik is president of a group called The New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good. He formerly spent a decade as a top-level official of the National Association of Evangelicals. Both are Washington-based political organizations. Cizik knows the players and the way the game is played. I respect his opinion.
While I believe that people of faith cannot separate their commitments and values from their political choices and priorities, I offer a word of caution against becoming enamored with politicians who speak "the code," as some refer to it. Avoid the "us vs. them" mentality. Don't be concerned with "taking back" something. Go into any election with your eyes wide open regarding candidates and platforms.
To me, it is imperative that in a diverse society and culture -- which is a blessing in itself -- people of faith should take a hint from Richard Cizik's approach and seek a "Common Good."
The funny part of the story occurred when Daddy King -- Rev. Martin Luther King, Sr. -- made a point of telling his congregation what had happened, and that he recommended they support JFK in the upcoming election, "even though he's a Catholic!" I find the irony of that declaration to be highly amusing.
What is not amusing, though, is the way politicians manipulate and exploit religious faith, especially during campaign and election seasons. Not only is it not amusing, it's downright insulting.
Two Mormons are contending for the presidential nomination of their party, and both are downplaying their faith connections and commitments because polls apparently indicate many Americans are leery of a Mormon in the White House (deja' vu all over again from 1960 and the irrational fear of a Roman Catholic president). Furthermore, both are accused of altering their views on important issues, shifting further to the right in order to appeal to "conservative and evangelical Christians."
In other words, "I want your vote, so I'll tell you that I see things the way I imagine you see them." It's not just the Mormon candidates who do this.
Frankly, I don't know why people want to please that particular constituency. While the "profile" of Christian conservatives largely may line up with the trend of a specific party, my sense is that most Americans are not looking for that type of leader.
But, it happens, and many advocates of a conservative "Christian" social agenda fall for it. The aroma of power is very intoxicating. Just hang around Capitol Hill for a while, and you'll see what I mean. Some folks refer to it as "Potomac Fever." The symptoms and disease are not unique to any one ideology.
No lesser an authority than Richard Cizik has stated publicly that politicians will do whatever they can to get elected, including using people of faith. When the election is won, however, dynamics, agendas, positions, and access change. Cizik is president of a group called The New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good. He formerly spent a decade as a top-level official of the National Association of Evangelicals. Both are Washington-based political organizations. Cizik knows the players and the way the game is played. I respect his opinion.
While I believe that people of faith cannot separate their commitments and values from their political choices and priorities, I offer a word of caution against becoming enamored with politicians who speak "the code," as some refer to it. Avoid the "us vs. them" mentality. Don't be concerned with "taking back" something. Go into any election with your eyes wide open regarding candidates and platforms.
To me, it is imperative that in a diverse society and culture -- which is a blessing in itself -- people of faith should take a hint from Richard Cizik's approach and seek a "Common Good."
Sunday, June 26, 2011
A Position of Stength
When I was working on my sermon this week, I suddenly recalled the passage in Acts 5 where the people took their sick relatives and friends out to the street, setting them up on cots and mats so that Peter's shadow might fall on them as he passed by.
It's an amazing image, indicating that the power of the Holy Spirit was so strong, Peter simply reeked of it, with benefits coming to people of whom he barely was even aware.
Too often I have observed church folks read the scriptures with the assumption they were coming from a position of weakness, passivity, or even helplessness. The things Jesus said and did always were seen as bringing them healing or comfort or a sense of peace.
Frankly, I think it's different more often than not, and that the New Testament should be seen from another perspective. Christians should read it with an eye toward discovering their identity, and learning what it means to take up the ministry of Jesus, with the blessings going to others. In other words, we see what Jesus did, and do that ourselves. Matthew 10 gives us this reality check.
People of faith are seen by Jesus, I believe, not as pitiful and child-like, but rather as redeemed souls set free from anything and everything that would hold us back from embracing the love of God and finding ways to express and share that love with others. People of faith are seen by Jesus, I believe, as those who want to live in an everlasting relationship with the Creator who wills life, and who blesses humanity with great abundance.
People of faith know the joy and certainty that no matter what happens, what we face, what we are called to endure, the last word belongs to God and that word is Life! We find that word, we find that Life in the light of Christ, our Risen Savior. And we shine that light in the direction of other people we meet each and every day, wherever we go.
Just as Peter's very presence brought blessing and healing in many ways to folks in need, people of faith, followers of Jesus, direct the rays of the Light of Christ toward the lives of others.
It's an amazing image, indicating that the power of the Holy Spirit was so strong, Peter simply reeked of it, with benefits coming to people of whom he barely was even aware.
Too often I have observed church folks read the scriptures with the assumption they were coming from a position of weakness, passivity, or even helplessness. The things Jesus said and did always were seen as bringing them healing or comfort or a sense of peace.
Frankly, I think it's different more often than not, and that the New Testament should be seen from another perspective. Christians should read it with an eye toward discovering their identity, and learning what it means to take up the ministry of Jesus, with the blessings going to others. In other words, we see what Jesus did, and do that ourselves. Matthew 10 gives us this reality check.
People of faith are seen by Jesus, I believe, not as pitiful and child-like, but rather as redeemed souls set free from anything and everything that would hold us back from embracing the love of God and finding ways to express and share that love with others. People of faith are seen by Jesus, I believe, as those who want to live in an everlasting relationship with the Creator who wills life, and who blesses humanity with great abundance.
People of faith know the joy and certainty that no matter what happens, what we face, what we are called to endure, the last word belongs to God and that word is Life! We find that word, we find that Life in the light of Christ, our Risen Savior. And we shine that light in the direction of other people we meet each and every day, wherever we go.
Just as Peter's very presence brought blessing and healing in many ways to folks in need, people of faith, followers of Jesus, direct the rays of the Light of Christ toward the lives of others.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Pomp And Circumstance
It has been a long time since I graduated from anything. High school was 1972. College was 1976. Seminary was 1981. I have few recollections of the two I attended (I graduated from seminary in absentia, as the program listed me.), mainly that after the Annandale High School Class of '72 was capped and gowned and presented blank diplomas at the Wolf Trap Center for the Performing Arts, the place soon burned down. In none of the cases do I recall who was the featured commencement speaker or anything he or she might have said.
So, I have to take my inspiration from others about whom I read.
Stephen Colbert, famous for his satire on The Daily Show and The Colbert Report spoke to the graduates at Northwestern University, of which he is an alum. I was never a fan or a watcher of his programs, but have heard a time or two that there really is some spiritual depth and substance to the man.
This came through in his speech, a portion of which I share here, having read it in The Christian Century:
Whatever your dream is right now, if you don't achieve it, you haven't failed, and you're not some loser. But just as importantly--and this is the part I may not get right and you may not listen to--if you do get your dream, you are not a winner.
After I graduated from here, I moved down to Chicago and did improv. Now there are very few rules to improvisation, but one of the things I was taught early on is that you are not the most important person in the scene. Everybody else is. And if they are the most important people in the scene, you will naturally pay attention to them and serve them . . . . You cannot "win" improv.
And life is an improvisation. You have no idea what's going to happen next, and you are mostly just making things up as you go along. And like improv, you cannot win your life.
The video of Colbert's speech is found at the above link.
So, I have to take my inspiration from others about whom I read.
Stephen Colbert, famous for his satire on The Daily Show and The Colbert Report spoke to the graduates at Northwestern University, of which he is an alum. I was never a fan or a watcher of his programs, but have heard a time or two that there really is some spiritual depth and substance to the man.
This came through in his speech, a portion of which I share here, having read it in The Christian Century:
Whatever your dream is right now, if you don't achieve it, you haven't failed, and you're not some loser. But just as importantly--and this is the part I may not get right and you may not listen to--if you do get your dream, you are not a winner.
After I graduated from here, I moved down to Chicago and did improv. Now there are very few rules to improvisation, but one of the things I was taught early on is that you are not the most important person in the scene. Everybody else is. And if they are the most important people in the scene, you will naturally pay attention to them and serve them . . . . You cannot "win" improv.
And life is an improvisation. You have no idea what's going to happen next, and you are mostly just making things up as you go along. And like improv, you cannot win your life.
The video of Colbert's speech is found at the above link.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Hands In The Cookie Jar
One day last week someone told me that the secretary of her church was caught forging church checks and diverting the funds into her personal bank account. That brought to my mind the case of a former colleague who was the financial person on the staff of a church where I also served. He was found to be funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars to himself.
That same day when I learned of the church secretary's actions, the attorney trying to defend the guy I knew called me to discuss his case. Since the discovery was made a few years ago, I figured matters were closer to being resolved, but I learned otherwise. While the church has recovered whatever funds its insurance company provided in the settlement, the case now is a criminal matter. The attorney was blunt in telling me, "There doesn't seem to be much I can do to help (my client)." He was caught. The evidence is clear. He's going to prison at some point, perhaps for three or four years.
I have known at least one other person who stole money from the church. In his case it was due to a gambling problem. Stealing money from churches is not as uncommon, perhaps, as it might seem.
It occurs to me that people steal from the church in other ways, as well.
There are clergy who suck the life right out of a church by trying to turn the church into a cult of personality -- theirs, of course. Everything centers around them. The focus is on them. The attraction is them.
Others -- clergy and laity alike -- play drama games. Conflicts and differences of opinions become personal battles. People look for ways to foster controversy, and assume the worst about fellow church folks.
Churches and vocal members take up crusades around hot-button issues such as abortion, homosexuality and gender issues, biblical inerrancy or other doctrinal matters, targeting "enemies" among other churches and Christians in order to make themselves look as if they alone truly are faithful.
On another scale, people steal from the church and its ministry by not taking seriously their own spiritual growth. Clinging to childish notions about God and the faith; reducing Christianity to inane cliches; avoiding real issues of human need; arguing about music used in worship; complaining when the worship service extends past 12:00 noon -- all of these and more steal from the vitality and growth of the church.
Stealing money is one thing -- a wrong thing, of course. Stealing from the church in these other ways hurts the church's ministry, faithfulness, reputation, and standing.
In all these cases, theft occurs. As a result, the church and its witness are weakened, with the world worse off because of it.
That same day when I learned of the church secretary's actions, the attorney trying to defend the guy I knew called me to discuss his case. Since the discovery was made a few years ago, I figured matters were closer to being resolved, but I learned otherwise. While the church has recovered whatever funds its insurance company provided in the settlement, the case now is a criminal matter. The attorney was blunt in telling me, "There doesn't seem to be much I can do to help (my client)." He was caught. The evidence is clear. He's going to prison at some point, perhaps for three or four years.
I have known at least one other person who stole money from the church. In his case it was due to a gambling problem. Stealing money from churches is not as uncommon, perhaps, as it might seem.
It occurs to me that people steal from the church in other ways, as well.
There are clergy who suck the life right out of a church by trying to turn the church into a cult of personality -- theirs, of course. Everything centers around them. The focus is on them. The attraction is them.
Others -- clergy and laity alike -- play drama games. Conflicts and differences of opinions become personal battles. People look for ways to foster controversy, and assume the worst about fellow church folks.
Churches and vocal members take up crusades around hot-button issues such as abortion, homosexuality and gender issues, biblical inerrancy or other doctrinal matters, targeting "enemies" among other churches and Christians in order to make themselves look as if they alone truly are faithful.
On another scale, people steal from the church and its ministry by not taking seriously their own spiritual growth. Clinging to childish notions about God and the faith; reducing Christianity to inane cliches; avoiding real issues of human need; arguing about music used in worship; complaining when the worship service extends past 12:00 noon -- all of these and more steal from the vitality and growth of the church.
Stealing money is one thing -- a wrong thing, of course. Stealing from the church in these other ways hurts the church's ministry, faithfulness, reputation, and standing.
In all these cases, theft occurs. As a result, the church and its witness are weakened, with the world worse off because of it.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Sad, But So Often True
You may have heard the story to which I am about to refer. It was on NPR this morning, where they were sharing some Father's Day reflections.
A writer, whose name I believe was Walter Meyer, grew up in Harlem. He spoke of how the person he most wanted to impress with his writing was his father. When Walter wrote something as a young person he showed it to his father. When he managed to write down and publish ghost stories that his father told, Walter took them proudly to his father. Never did Walter's father have a kind word to say about his writing.
When Walter's father was on his death bed, Walter handed him the latest book he had published. His father glanced at it and set it aside without comment. "I knew then for sure that my father hated me," mourned Walter.
Following his father's death, Walter went through some of the papers and other items left behind. He noticed on numerous documents that where his father's signature was required there simply was an "X."
Walter finally realized why his father never had anything to say about his writing. His father could not read, and was too ashamed to tell his own son.
Relationships between fathers and sons often can be fraught with complexities and misunderstandings. Time passes without resolution, and sometimes opportunities for sharing, mentoring, and love are completely missed.
It truly is a loss for everyone involved.
A writer, whose name I believe was Walter Meyer, grew up in Harlem. He spoke of how the person he most wanted to impress with his writing was his father. When Walter wrote something as a young person he showed it to his father. When he managed to write down and publish ghost stories that his father told, Walter took them proudly to his father. Never did Walter's father have a kind word to say about his writing.
When Walter's father was on his death bed, Walter handed him the latest book he had published. His father glanced at it and set it aside without comment. "I knew then for sure that my father hated me," mourned Walter.
Following his father's death, Walter went through some of the papers and other items left behind. He noticed on numerous documents that where his father's signature was required there simply was an "X."
Walter finally realized why his father never had anything to say about his writing. His father could not read, and was too ashamed to tell his own son.
Relationships between fathers and sons often can be fraught with complexities and misunderstandings. Time passes without resolution, and sometimes opportunities for sharing, mentoring, and love are completely missed.
It truly is a loss for everyone involved.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Seeing Stars

People who do things in a big way often get my attention, and I have been fortunate to meet quite a number of folks well-known in a variety of fields. One such occurrence was meeting Wilt Chamberlain, along about 1974, during my days at East Carolina University. Wilt had recently published the first, and less sexually graphic, of his two autobiographies. Of course, even though he was freshly retired from a long career in pro basketball and being in the public eye, he still was a young man, so maybe the count of his conquests was only 8 or 10 thousand by that point. As a 19 year-old interested in sports, I was very aware of him and had seen him on television and magazine covers practically my whole life.
Shortly after reading Wilt’s book, I heard on the radio that the newly formed Carolina Cougars of the renegade American Basketball Association would be hosting in Raleigh the San Diego Conquistadors, coached by none other than Wilt Chamberlain. A friend of mine from back home, Pete, was a student at N.C. State University, where the game would be played. I called Pete to tell him I was buying tickets and coming over so we could attend the game. Somehow, I linked up with a couple of other ECU students who were going, and they had room for me in their car.
At the time, N.C. State was a national college basketball powerhouse, so on the night of the game Pete and I stood in the lobby of the coliseum beforehand admiring some of the spoils of their success, carefully encased and preserved. As I was oooing and ahhhing, Pete quietly said, “Turn around,” trying to make inconspicuous darting motions with his eyes. I turned expecting to see an attractive female. Instead, I was looking at the third button of a man’s shirt.
I’m taller than the average person, so I notice those of greater height. When a person is almost a foot taller, though, I find it downright disorienting. I peeked up from the shirt filling my field of vision and Wilt was looking down at me. Why he was standing in the lobby at that moment, I only can speculate, and maybe his second book provides a hint. All I can say, though, is I was completely in awe of his appearance, the familiar famous face, though not quite nose to nose, staring into my eyes. Thinking fast, I held up my program book and asked if he would sign it. He quickly glanced around the crowded lobby, suddenly grabbed my elbow and started walking. I can report from personal experience: when Wilt Chamberlain took you by the arm and began to move, he was leading the dance and all you could do was follow.
He swept me down a side hallway as he said, “Hey man, I have to go. I’ll catch you after the game.” Then he allowed me to regain control of my own body and was gone, ducking quickly through an unmarked door.
As I said, he physical presence was overwhelming, and I always laugh when I recall something I read several years later. Wilt was cast in one of the Arnold Schwarzenegger Conan the Barbarian movies as some kind of warrior.

According to the story, he was preparing to shoot a scene in which he was to ride a horse. Well, as huge and intimidating as he was in a basketball uniform, when he was decked out in the warrior regalia it apparently was too much. The horse on which Wilt was supposed to ride in the scene saw him approaching, did a double-take, and took off running in the opposite direction. The movie was on hold until they could catch the horse, which apparently took a while.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Do You Remember "Hooked On Classics?"
Some years ago, I was approached by a person who wanted to write a new version of the Bible, with my assistance. The man who called me was not a Biblical scholar, a theologian, nor an expert in the Hebrew or Greek languages. I had the impression he was fairly conservative in his outlook, and it seemed he didn't know me very well. But, we attended the same church, he knew I was a clergy person, and he thought it would be a good idea to write a version of the Bible "that people can understand."
Oh, is that all?
Just off the top of my head, I can think of numerous versions of the Bible currently available, appealing to various readers' tastes: New Revised Standard Version, Revised Standard Version, King James Version, New King James Version, New International Version (which leads me to believe there must be an "International Version"), The Message, The Living Bible, Good News Bible, The New English Bible, so forth and so on. There even is a Manga Bible, which is a graphic novel-style Bible produced by someone calling himself Siku.
I haven't looked, but I suppose there is a Bible For Dummies, as well. (So it seems likely someone beat to the punch the guy who called me!)
The reason I even bring this up is that I read of a new project soon to be underway at The History Channel.
The television producer who has clogged our entertainment arteries with such programs as Survivor and The Apprentice has in mind to turn out a series of "scripted dramas" that tell stories from the Bible. His name is Mark Burnett, and he noted that "'Some of the stories are obvious,' Noah’s Ark, Exodus and accounts of the birth and death of Jesus. But the project will also cover stories that Mr. Burnett said he was unfamiliar with."
Executives at History say "the series would not try to impose any kind of historical context to events like the Flood." The producers are "not stepping back to examine anything that could be called a controversy. We are just telling the stories that are in (the Bible)." Researchers have already begun their work, and "theologians will be consulted."
It seems to me quite an undertaking to write dialogue for stories handed down by oral tradition for generations before quill ever touched parchment, without putting a spin on them. Thousands of years have passed since they first were told. As for lack of controversy, The History Channel may be in for a surprise.
In some cases, this project has the potential of sparking renewed interest in the scriptures. For others, though, it may become a faux fundamentalism, as the images and words on the TV screen become the first, last, and only sense of the Bible stories being portrayed.
I know that ever since I first saw Jesus of Nazareth on television over thirty years ago, I can't help but think that Pilate looked just like Rod Steiger.
Oh, is that all?
Just off the top of my head, I can think of numerous versions of the Bible currently available, appealing to various readers' tastes: New Revised Standard Version, Revised Standard Version, King James Version, New King James Version, New International Version (which leads me to believe there must be an "International Version"), The Message, The Living Bible, Good News Bible, The New English Bible, so forth and so on. There even is a Manga Bible, which is a graphic novel-style Bible produced by someone calling himself Siku.
I haven't looked, but I suppose there is a Bible For Dummies, as well. (So it seems likely someone beat to the punch the guy who called me!)
The reason I even bring this up is that I read of a new project soon to be underway at The History Channel.
The television producer who has clogged our entertainment arteries with such programs as Survivor and The Apprentice has in mind to turn out a series of "scripted dramas" that tell stories from the Bible. His name is Mark Burnett, and he noted that "'Some of the stories are obvious,' Noah’s Ark, Exodus and accounts of the birth and death of Jesus. But the project will also cover stories that Mr. Burnett said he was unfamiliar with."
Executives at History say "the series would not try to impose any kind of historical context to events like the Flood." The producers are "not stepping back to examine anything that could be called a controversy. We are just telling the stories that are in (the Bible)." Researchers have already begun their work, and "theologians will be consulted."
It seems to me quite an undertaking to write dialogue for stories handed down by oral tradition for generations before quill ever touched parchment, without putting a spin on them. Thousands of years have passed since they first were told. As for lack of controversy, The History Channel may be in for a surprise.
In some cases, this project has the potential of sparking renewed interest in the scriptures. For others, though, it may become a faux fundamentalism, as the images and words on the TV screen become the first, last, and only sense of the Bible stories being portrayed.
I know that ever since I first saw Jesus of Nazareth on television over thirty years ago, I can't help but think that Pilate looked just like Rod Steiger.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Pounding Hearts, Flapping Jaws, And Moving Feet
During my long-ago baseball-playing days, there was a play I still remember. I was playing first base for my team when the batter hit a high pop-up in my direction. I called for the ball, got into position to make the catch and held my hands up as I waited for the ball to come down. Suddenly, I found myself on the ground, flat on my back, unable to breathe. The guy who hit the ball ran straight into me, lowering his head and ramming my chest with his batting helmet. He knocked the wind out of me.
It was a bush league play.
My coach ran out and helped me start breathing again, and I stayed in the game. When we got the other team out, and they ran onto the field to take their positions, we noted that the guy who ran into me changed the position he had been playing -- from third base to centerfield.
I guess they thought something might happen if I had the opportunity to run or slide into third base. It seems they thought I might do something after getting my breath back.
Yesterday was Pentecost Sunday, and churches throughout the world recalled the day when the Holy Spirit rushed onto the scene like a violent wind. A few posts ago I linked you to Acts 2, which describes this event.
This was, of course, after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. He had spent the biblically-required "40 days" teaching his followers, and reminding them of what he told them before. Then, as we read in Acts 1, he was taken up into God's presence. The disciples were left on their own, and waited together in Jerusalem for what would happen next.
In the days following Jesus' arrest, and now with him gone from the scene, likely for good, the disciples must have felt their breath was knocked out of them. What would they do? What COULD they do? Jesus wasn't there to lead or guide them.
The sound of the rushing wind as the Holy Spirit arrived, as promised by Jesus, gave them their breath back. Something was bound to happen. The disciples began to do something when their breath was restored.
As I told my congregation yesterday, Pentecost was like when God breathed life into the first human being: there was energy, power, and animation. Things were going to be different.
Peter seized on the opportunity to declare something new being born. He reached back to the language of the prophets to proclaim that because the Spirit of God was poured out, people would dream dreams, see visions, and prophesy. It was so strong, so startling, and so sudden even the sun, moon, earth, and sky would show effects. God’s presence was knocking on the door of human existence and interaction. Nothing could deny it. Nothing could keep it away. People wouldn’t understand it, know what to make of it, or be able to define it. But make no mistake: God showed up, filling the hearts and lungs and minds of people of faith, giving them an electric jolt, a powerful shove, lifting them above themselves, waking them up, pointing the way out the door, and launching them on a mission that still is going on two millennia later.
The Holy Spirit doesn’t come to pacify, mollify, or satisfy. When it shows up, it gets hearts pounding, jaws flapping, and feet moving. The world, its ways, and our accommodations to them can knock the wind out of us. The Holy Spirit gives us back our breath, and something happens —- something with the fingerprints of God all over it.
It was a bush league play.
My coach ran out and helped me start breathing again, and I stayed in the game. When we got the other team out, and they ran onto the field to take their positions, we noted that the guy who ran into me changed the position he had been playing -- from third base to centerfield.
I guess they thought something might happen if I had the opportunity to run or slide into third base. It seems they thought I might do something after getting my breath back.
Yesterday was Pentecost Sunday, and churches throughout the world recalled the day when the Holy Spirit rushed onto the scene like a violent wind. A few posts ago I linked you to Acts 2, which describes this event.
This was, of course, after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. He had spent the biblically-required "40 days" teaching his followers, and reminding them of what he told them before. Then, as we read in Acts 1, he was taken up into God's presence. The disciples were left on their own, and waited together in Jerusalem for what would happen next.
In the days following Jesus' arrest, and now with him gone from the scene, likely for good, the disciples must have felt their breath was knocked out of them. What would they do? What COULD they do? Jesus wasn't there to lead or guide them.
The sound of the rushing wind as the Holy Spirit arrived, as promised by Jesus, gave them their breath back. Something was bound to happen. The disciples began to do something when their breath was restored.
As I told my congregation yesterday, Pentecost was like when God breathed life into the first human being: there was energy, power, and animation. Things were going to be different.
Peter seized on the opportunity to declare something new being born. He reached back to the language of the prophets to proclaim that because the Spirit of God was poured out, people would dream dreams, see visions, and prophesy. It was so strong, so startling, and so sudden even the sun, moon, earth, and sky would show effects. God’s presence was knocking on the door of human existence and interaction. Nothing could deny it. Nothing could keep it away. People wouldn’t understand it, know what to make of it, or be able to define it. But make no mistake: God showed up, filling the hearts and lungs and minds of people of faith, giving them an electric jolt, a powerful shove, lifting them above themselves, waking them up, pointing the way out the door, and launching them on a mission that still is going on two millennia later.
The Holy Spirit doesn’t come to pacify, mollify, or satisfy. When it shows up, it gets hearts pounding, jaws flapping, and feet moving. The world, its ways, and our accommodations to them can knock the wind out of us. The Holy Spirit gives us back our breath, and something happens —- something with the fingerprints of God all over it.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Worthy Of Your Consideration
Generally, I'm not too receptive to people handing me a book they think I should read. I have stacks of books on two desks that I intend to read, plus my Kindle, so I have plenty to keep me busy. Plus, I prefer to make my own choices of reading material.
Exceptions, naturally, do occur. I picked up a book this week that someone, in effect, "assigned" me to read, but only because a class in our church was considering it for a study. My opinion was solicited.
The book is What's the Least I Can Believe and Still Be a Christian?: A Guide to What Matters Most , by Martin Thielen. I have to admit the title was a real turn-off for me when I initially was told of the book, because the person who mentioned it only gave the first part. I thought, "Wonderful. Another attempt to dumb-down the faith and encourage people to look for easy, quick, pat answers to deep and complex issues."
Truly, this is not a complicated book, but it is readable and holds a certain appeal. The first half (ten succinct chapters) examines conventional notions about Christianity that often are embraced, but which do not hold up under biblical or theological scrutiny. Included are such ideas as "God Causes Cancer, Car Wrecks, and Other Catastrophes;" "Women Can't Be Preachers and Must Submit to Men;" "Jews Won't Make It To Heaven;" and, others. The author makes it clear that such beliefs are not essential to the Christian faith.
The second half of the book focuses on "Ten Things Christians Do Need to Believe," all of which center around Jesus. Included, among others, are: "Jesus' Identity: Who is Jesus?" "Jesus' Priority: What Matters Most?" and, "Jesus' Resurrection: Is There Hope?"
Thielen is not Marcus Borg, or Paul Tillich, or Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He is, however, someone who has thought cogently and written concisely about matters important and not so important to being a Christian. Thielen is a refugee from the Southern Baptist tradition, now connected to the United Methodist Church. So, he did some discernment and made some choices along his spiritual journey.
I think the book is helpful and potentially can lead to worthwhile discussion. My preference, though, still is to think of the faith less as a set of "beliefs," and more as a relationship to which a person gives his or her heart.
Exceptions, naturally, do occur. I picked up a book this week that someone, in effect, "assigned" me to read, but only because a class in our church was considering it for a study. My opinion was solicited.
The book is What's the Least I Can Believe and Still Be a Christian?: A Guide to What Matters Most , by Martin Thielen. I have to admit the title was a real turn-off for me when I initially was told of the book, because the person who mentioned it only gave the first part. I thought, "Wonderful. Another attempt to dumb-down the faith and encourage people to look for easy, quick, pat answers to deep and complex issues."
Truly, this is not a complicated book, but it is readable and holds a certain appeal. The first half (ten succinct chapters) examines conventional notions about Christianity that often are embraced, but which do not hold up under biblical or theological scrutiny. Included are such ideas as "God Causes Cancer, Car Wrecks, and Other Catastrophes;" "Women Can't Be Preachers and Must Submit to Men;" "Jews Won't Make It To Heaven;" and, others. The author makes it clear that such beliefs are not essential to the Christian faith.
The second half of the book focuses on "Ten Things Christians Do Need to Believe," all of which center around Jesus. Included, among others, are: "Jesus' Identity: Who is Jesus?" "Jesus' Priority: What Matters Most?" and, "Jesus' Resurrection: Is There Hope?"
Thielen is not Marcus Borg, or Paul Tillich, or Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He is, however, someone who has thought cogently and written concisely about matters important and not so important to being a Christian. Thielen is a refugee from the Southern Baptist tradition, now connected to the United Methodist Church. So, he did some discernment and made some choices along his spiritual journey.
I think the book is helpful and potentially can lead to worthwhile discussion. My preference, though, still is to think of the faith less as a set of "beliefs," and more as a relationship to which a person gives his or her heart.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Visions Of America
On Memorial Day this year folks from Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas, fresh on the heels of the Supreme Court decision upholding their right to spew homophobic hatred at the funerals of U.S. troops killed in our various wars, staged a protest at Arlington National Cemetery. Their message was the same as always: God is pleased that our young people are being killed and maimed in war because of our nation's "tolerance" of homosexuals, whom God despises. The interesting thing about this particular celebration of ignorance was that a counter-protest occurred. The people on the other side of the barriers were members of the Ku Klux Klan. Vitriol was being batted back and forth like a shuttlecock in a ferocious badminton match.
One of the members of the Phelps family, which comprises most of the membership of the Westboro Baptist Church, noted the presence of the KKK and ironically sniffed, “That’s fine. They have no moral authority on anything."
Apart from the funny outfits -- the KKK's pointy-hooded white robes and the American flag worn as a skirt by one of the women from the church to complement her "Jews Killed" t-shirt -- both sides displayed a vision of our nation as one that excludes, denigrates, and threatens fellow citizens different from themselves.
I guess they love freedom and the right to openly speak their minds, as do we all. However, they are unique in that they know God's will. They understand the intent of the framers of the Constitution.
For everyone else -- well, we'll learn the hard way, I suppose. Now, if that church and the KKK only could agree on the truth...
One of the members of the Phelps family, which comprises most of the membership of the Westboro Baptist Church, noted the presence of the KKK and ironically sniffed, “That’s fine. They have no moral authority on anything."
Apart from the funny outfits -- the KKK's pointy-hooded white robes and the American flag worn as a skirt by one of the women from the church to complement her "Jews Killed" t-shirt -- both sides displayed a vision of our nation as one that excludes, denigrates, and threatens fellow citizens different from themselves.
I guess they love freedom and the right to openly speak their minds, as do we all. However, they are unique in that they know God's will. They understand the intent of the framers of the Constitution.
For everyone else -- well, we'll learn the hard way, I suppose. Now, if that church and the KKK only could agree on the truth...
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Listen To The Wind
Let's see -- the church year began on the last Sunday of November, which was the first Sunday of Advent. Then, following Christmas there was Epiphany. Before long it was Ash Wednesday, and Lent was underway once again. Easter followed, and that season will give way next Sunday to Pentecost.
My church, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), didn't pay much attention to the liturgical calendar until the last generation or so. I'm not sure what turned the tide, but there truly is great meaning to be found in reflecting on the various seasons, reading the scripture texts assigned by the lectionary, and thinking about what it all means in the context of life in the world. Rather than being a random endeavor, the faith, through these seasons, shapes our lives in a way to which we can become accustomed, reminding us of God's purposes, desires, will, and presence with us.
Pentecost is kind of a launching for which the other seasons have prepared us, for when we respond to Jesus' call, "Follow me," it's not strictly about us. It's more about everyone else, and how we will carry on the ministry begun by Jesus.
Pentecost is a time to reflect on how the Holy Spirit -- so vague and undefinable -- enables and empowers Christians to find ways to be faithful witnesses in an ever-changing environment. The scriptures provide a foundation. The Holy Spirit builds the church. We need not avoid or fear it.
Christianity is about growth, and each of the seasons I mentioned above contributes to that growth in its own way. Growth, of course, is a by-product of change, and the whole world proves that change is God's intention. Change is the only thing constant in God's creation. To resist change is to resist God. Good luck with that.
Jan Richardson wrote some verse about Pentecost that I think captures well the hope of the day. I share it with you here:
Pentecost Blessing
On the day
when you are wearing
your certainty
like a cloak
and your sureness
goes before you
like a shield
or like a sword,
may the sound
of God’s name
spill from your lips
as you have never
heard it before.
May your knowing
be undone.
May mystery
confound your
May the Divine
rain down
in strange syllables
yet with
an ancient familiarity,
a knowing borne
in the blood,
the ear,
the tongue,
bringing the clarity
that comes
not in stone
or in steel
but in fire,
in flame.
May there come
one searing word:
enough to bare you
to the bone,
enough to set
your heart ablaze,
enough to make you
whole again.
My church, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), didn't pay much attention to the liturgical calendar until the last generation or so. I'm not sure what turned the tide, but there truly is great meaning to be found in reflecting on the various seasons, reading the scripture texts assigned by the lectionary, and thinking about what it all means in the context of life in the world. Rather than being a random endeavor, the faith, through these seasons, shapes our lives in a way to which we can become accustomed, reminding us of God's purposes, desires, will, and presence with us.
Pentecost is kind of a launching for which the other seasons have prepared us, for when we respond to Jesus' call, "Follow me," it's not strictly about us. It's more about everyone else, and how we will carry on the ministry begun by Jesus.
Pentecost is a time to reflect on how the Holy Spirit -- so vague and undefinable -- enables and empowers Christians to find ways to be faithful witnesses in an ever-changing environment. The scriptures provide a foundation. The Holy Spirit builds the church. We need not avoid or fear it.
Christianity is about growth, and each of the seasons I mentioned above contributes to that growth in its own way. Growth, of course, is a by-product of change, and the whole world proves that change is God's intention. Change is the only thing constant in God's creation. To resist change is to resist God. Good luck with that.
Jan Richardson wrote some verse about Pentecost that I think captures well the hope of the day. I share it with you here:
Pentecost Blessing
On the day
when you are wearing
your certainty
like a cloak
and your sureness
goes before you
like a shield
or like a sword,
may the sound
of God’s name
spill from your lips
as you have never
heard it before.
May your knowing
be undone.
May mystery
confound your
May the Divine
rain down
in strange syllables
yet with
an ancient familiarity,
a knowing borne
in the blood,
the ear,
the tongue,
bringing the clarity
that comes
not in stone
or in steel
but in fire,
in flame.
May there come
one searing word:
enough to bare you
to the bone,
enough to set
your heart ablaze,
enough to make you
whole again.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
A Now That Does Not End
Driving by a church sign that proclaimed, "Celebrate Salvation," Mary and I started talking about the difference between celebrating salvation and celebrating resurrection. I remarked, "This could be a blog entry," so here goes!
Easter was in April this year, and it is, of course, a day when many Christians think, talk, and rejoice about resurrection. For the fifty days following Easter the church calendar tells us we are in the season of Easter. At the end of fifty days is the observance of Pentecost, which you can read about in Acts 2.
During the season of Easter, I frequently make references in my sermons to Resurrection Power. I differentiate between resuscitation and resurrection. Resuscitation is bringing something back to life. To me, that implies reviving what already existed. Resurrection, on the other hand, is about making something new. What used to be has died. That no longer exists, but a transformation takes place.
To "celebrate salvation," as it commonly is understood, suggests that a person has been kept or protected from something. In this case, he or she has been kept from eternal separation from God. Certainly, that is a good thing! However, talk of salvation tends to focus on what happens later, in the future, after a person dies. It is as if when a person turns to a relationship with Jesus Christ, and is thought to be "saved," a resuscitation occurs. They are forgiven their sins, but they still are the same person as before. There will be a "reward," salvation, later.
Celebrating resurrection, or embracing Resurrection Power, seems to me a new path or direction in life. The person no longer is the same because former priorities, goals, choices, and behaviors have deceased, and he or she lives in the Realm of God now; eternal life is now; God is known and experienced now. It's a now that does not end.
To me, this seems to be illustrated in a couple of ways of looking at the church. Someone recently told me that a church member, who has a flair for design and decorating, wants to work on the artificial plants that decorate the building, and has plans to paint a large gathering room. "She thinks when people come to the church and see that it is attractive and clean, they'll know we care about the church."
I should have held my tongue, but I remarked, "I see it in just the opposite way. I like to see a church that looks a little scuffed up and used. That shows we're doing something." What I didn't say was it demonstrates that we're engaged in ministry with people -- whose lives often are not neat, tidy, and clean.
Somewhere along my journey I was the pastor of a church like that. My time there was a happy period of my life and work. The building, while clean, showed signs of activity and ministry. There were bulletin boards with notices of relevant community and ecumenical events, invitations to the various recovery groups that met there, and reports of wider church responses to natural disasters and justice concerns. A day-care program for disadvantaged children was housed in the building, and from my office I could hear the squealing, bumping, pitter-patter of little feet, laughter, raised voices of teachers, and all the rest that goes along with it. I saw the children when they lined up at the water fountain or made their trips to the rest rooms. They saw me and looked with wide-eyed innocence when our paths crossed. A local feeding program stored canned goods and supplies in one of our spare rooms. Sunday school classes had the requisite tempera paint masterpieces on display, crookedly held in place by masking tape. It was evident by the look of the facility that something was going on, and that people were being nurtured and cared for.
Antiseptic, neat-as-a-pin church buildings where everything is bright, shiny, and in place convey to me a different feeling.
I see in these two cases the shades of differences between resurrection and salvation. Again, salvation is a good thing! But, to me, resurrection is a richness that changes lives.
I see a now that never ends vs. something that comes later. I see life abundant and everlasting, filled with energy, excitement, and joy vs. life in heavenly glory (about which we really know nothing).
I see creativity and freedom vs. caution.
I see faithfulness vs. the practice of religion.
Easter was in April this year, and it is, of course, a day when many Christians think, talk, and rejoice about resurrection. For the fifty days following Easter the church calendar tells us we are in the season of Easter. At the end of fifty days is the observance of Pentecost, which you can read about in Acts 2.
During the season of Easter, I frequently make references in my sermons to Resurrection Power. I differentiate between resuscitation and resurrection. Resuscitation is bringing something back to life. To me, that implies reviving what already existed. Resurrection, on the other hand, is about making something new. What used to be has died. That no longer exists, but a transformation takes place.
To "celebrate salvation," as it commonly is understood, suggests that a person has been kept or protected from something. In this case, he or she has been kept from eternal separation from God. Certainly, that is a good thing! However, talk of salvation tends to focus on what happens later, in the future, after a person dies. It is as if when a person turns to a relationship with Jesus Christ, and is thought to be "saved," a resuscitation occurs. They are forgiven their sins, but they still are the same person as before. There will be a "reward," salvation, later.
Celebrating resurrection, or embracing Resurrection Power, seems to me a new path or direction in life. The person no longer is the same because former priorities, goals, choices, and behaviors have deceased, and he or she lives in the Realm of God now; eternal life is now; God is known and experienced now. It's a now that does not end.
To me, this seems to be illustrated in a couple of ways of looking at the church. Someone recently told me that a church member, who has a flair for design and decorating, wants to work on the artificial plants that decorate the building, and has plans to paint a large gathering room. "She thinks when people come to the church and see that it is attractive and clean, they'll know we care about the church."
I should have held my tongue, but I remarked, "I see it in just the opposite way. I like to see a church that looks a little scuffed up and used. That shows we're doing something." What I didn't say was it demonstrates that we're engaged in ministry with people -- whose lives often are not neat, tidy, and clean.
Somewhere along my journey I was the pastor of a church like that. My time there was a happy period of my life and work. The building, while clean, showed signs of activity and ministry. There were bulletin boards with notices of relevant community and ecumenical events, invitations to the various recovery groups that met there, and reports of wider church responses to natural disasters and justice concerns. A day-care program for disadvantaged children was housed in the building, and from my office I could hear the squealing, bumping, pitter-patter of little feet, laughter, raised voices of teachers, and all the rest that goes along with it. I saw the children when they lined up at the water fountain or made their trips to the rest rooms. They saw me and looked with wide-eyed innocence when our paths crossed. A local feeding program stored canned goods and supplies in one of our spare rooms. Sunday school classes had the requisite tempera paint masterpieces on display, crookedly held in place by masking tape. It was evident by the look of the facility that something was going on, and that people were being nurtured and cared for.
Antiseptic, neat-as-a-pin church buildings where everything is bright, shiny, and in place convey to me a different feeling.
I see in these two cases the shades of differences between resurrection and salvation. Again, salvation is a good thing! But, to me, resurrection is a richness that changes lives.
I see a now that never ends vs. something that comes later. I see life abundant and everlasting, filled with energy, excitement, and joy vs. life in heavenly glory (about which we really know nothing).
I see creativity and freedom vs. caution.
I see faithfulness vs. the practice of religion.
Monday, May 30, 2011
No Animals Were Harmed
The other day I was telling someone about a humorous memory from back in my college days at East Carolina University in Greenville, NC. There were several dogs who hung around campus with whom I became acquainted. I named one "Pharaoh" that showed up at my door irregularly, but when he did, he simply hopped onto my bed and fell fast asleep. I don’t know how that got started, but he was one tired canine. Pharaoh was of mixed breeding, possibly with some Lab, as he had a beautiful shiny black coat.
On his first or second visit I discovered he almost was impossible to wake up. I don’t have a clue as to what he had been up to that wore him out so much, but he was zonked! For some reason I got the idea it would be funny to dress him up as he was sleeping on the bed. First, I put a tennis visor on his head, and he just lay there, unmoved and unmoving. Then I put gloves on his front paws, laid a tennis ball on top of one and a racquet on the other. Next, I put athletic socks on his rear legs. The dog never stirred once! I finished the ensemble with tennis shoes on his rear paws, and a pair of glasses on his face. I barely could contain my amusement. Reaching for my camera, I saw I was out of film, so I got my bicycle and rode – in the rain – to a convenience store to buy more. When I returned, everything was just as I left it. I took photos of Pharaoh the tennis player, ignoring the adage about what to do with sleeping dogs.
On his next visit, Pharaoh jumped right onto the bed, and soon was in dreamland. I put gloves on his paws again, a scarf around his neck, and sunglasses over his eyes. I recalled that Joey in the next room had a red bowler hat. His room was unlocked, and I helped myself. It was a good fit.
Something was missing, I thought. I put shoes on Pharaoh again, but still needed more to complete the look. I went back into the next room and looked around. On the dresser was a box of cigars. “A nice touch,” I decided, and took one of the cigars. Placing it in front of Pharaoh’s mouth, I was startled that he actually opened his jaws slightly and clenched the cigar between his front teeth! Otherwise, he never moved. Then, I ducked back into Joey’s room for one more prop – an empty whiskey bottle I saw on my last visit. I placed the bottle carefully on one of the gloves covering a paw. Voila! I got the camera out again. Somewhere, William Wegman was doing the same thing!
Again, I was amazed by how Pharaoh slept through it all. When I was finished photographing this slumbering dog, I returned Joey’s belongings to his room. I recall carefully placing the cigar, which had been in the dog’s mouth, back into its box.
On his first or second visit I discovered he almost was impossible to wake up. I don’t have a clue as to what he had been up to that wore him out so much, but he was zonked! For some reason I got the idea it would be funny to dress him up as he was sleeping on the bed. First, I put a tennis visor on his head, and he just lay there, unmoved and unmoving. Then I put gloves on his front paws, laid a tennis ball on top of one and a racquet on the other. Next, I put athletic socks on his rear legs. The dog never stirred once! I finished the ensemble with tennis shoes on his rear paws, and a pair of glasses on his face. I barely could contain my amusement. Reaching for my camera, I saw I was out of film, so I got my bicycle and rode – in the rain – to a convenience store to buy more. When I returned, everything was just as I left it. I took photos of Pharaoh the tennis player, ignoring the adage about what to do with sleeping dogs.

On his next visit, Pharaoh jumped right onto the bed, and soon was in dreamland. I put gloves on his paws again, a scarf around his neck, and sunglasses over his eyes. I recalled that Joey in the next room had a red bowler hat. His room was unlocked, and I helped myself. It was a good fit.
Something was missing, I thought. I put shoes on Pharaoh again, but still needed more to complete the look. I went back into the next room and looked around. On the dresser was a box of cigars. “A nice touch,” I decided, and took one of the cigars. Placing it in front of Pharaoh’s mouth, I was startled that he actually opened his jaws slightly and clenched the cigar between his front teeth! Otherwise, he never moved. Then, I ducked back into Joey’s room for one more prop – an empty whiskey bottle I saw on my last visit. I placed the bottle carefully on one of the gloves covering a paw. Voila! I got the camera out again. Somewhere, William Wegman was doing the same thing!
Again, I was amazed by how Pharaoh slept through it all. When I was finished photographing this slumbering dog, I returned Joey’s belongings to his room. I recall carefully placing the cigar, which had been in the dog’s mouth, back into its box.

Sunday, May 29, 2011
The Revised Common Lectionary gives us a gift just about any time a reading from The Acts of the Apostles is assigned for a given Sunday. Today we had Acts 17, which tells of the Apostle Paul visiting Athens.
Apparently, many of the fine citizens of Athens were on a head-trip, and held up for consideration and discussion ideas, philosophies, and religions the way a wine connoisseur examines a cherished vintage -- gazing at it from all angles, marveling at its hue and tint, savoring its scent. These were idea people, and after sipping on notions for a while, swishing them around on their palates, they set them aside and turned their attentions to others.
We read in Acts 17 of the numerous icons and monuments to various religions in Athens, including an altar inscribed, "To an unknown god." Paul noticed this one in particular and, in a meeting with local intellectuals, took the opportunity to make the case for God who created Heaven and Earth.
Frankly, I can't be too harsh with the Athens crowd, because it seems to me that even we post-modern 21st Century Christians have difficulty understanding God. While some folks make a caricature of our faith, sometimes saying things like, "You worship a pretend old man in the sky," we ourselves devalue God by creating him/her/it in our own image.
It might not be too far from the truth if we also were to admit that God is "unknown" to us.
Is God a spirit? A being? An intellectual notion? Well, it depends on who you ask. What does God look like? It depends on, again, to whom you talk. Even Moses couldn't get a straight answer at the burning bush. When God said to Moses, "Go to Pharaoh and tell him to let my people go," and Moses wondered, "Whom shall I say is sending me," God replied,"I AM WHO I AM," or "I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE."
Thankfully, we have Jesus to reveal God to us. His words, priorities, and actions give us a picture of God. Prophets from Old Testament days were clued in to God, as well, looking at the world with God's sensibilities as a frame of reference. But, prophets said things that weren't always polite or soothing. The problem, then, becomes that people who understood a lot about God had a way of getting themselves killed.
My sense is that we never can or will fully understand God, and maybe God doesn't want us to, anyway. As much as God loves us and desires to be in relationship with us, there still is a division of labor here. We get ourselves into difficulty when we try to climb the ladder. The higher we think we're ascending, the deeper we sink into trouble. There is room enough only for one God.
Perhaps rather than making a run at God's job, we might pay attention to Jesus and the prophets, learning how to be the people God had in mind when God dreamed us up in the first place.
Apparently, many of the fine citizens of Athens were on a head-trip, and held up for consideration and discussion ideas, philosophies, and religions the way a wine connoisseur examines a cherished vintage -- gazing at it from all angles, marveling at its hue and tint, savoring its scent. These were idea people, and after sipping on notions for a while, swishing them around on their palates, they set them aside and turned their attentions to others.
We read in Acts 17 of the numerous icons and monuments to various religions in Athens, including an altar inscribed, "To an unknown god." Paul noticed this one in particular and, in a meeting with local intellectuals, took the opportunity to make the case for God who created Heaven and Earth.
Frankly, I can't be too harsh with the Athens crowd, because it seems to me that even we post-modern 21st Century Christians have difficulty understanding God. While some folks make a caricature of our faith, sometimes saying things like, "You worship a pretend old man in the sky," we ourselves devalue God by creating him/her/it in our own image.
It might not be too far from the truth if we also were to admit that God is "unknown" to us.
Is God a spirit? A being? An intellectual notion? Well, it depends on who you ask. What does God look like? It depends on, again, to whom you talk. Even Moses couldn't get a straight answer at the burning bush. When God said to Moses, "Go to Pharaoh and tell him to let my people go," and Moses wondered, "Whom shall I say is sending me," God replied,"I AM WHO I AM," or "I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE."
Thankfully, we have Jesus to reveal God to us. His words, priorities, and actions give us a picture of God. Prophets from Old Testament days were clued in to God, as well, looking at the world with God's sensibilities as a frame of reference. But, prophets said things that weren't always polite or soothing. The problem, then, becomes that people who understood a lot about God had a way of getting themselves killed.
My sense is that we never can or will fully understand God, and maybe God doesn't want us to, anyway. As much as God loves us and desires to be in relationship with us, there still is a division of labor here. We get ourselves into difficulty when we try to climb the ladder. The higher we think we're ascending, the deeper we sink into trouble. There is room enough only for one God.
Perhaps rather than making a run at God's job, we might pay attention to Jesus and the prophets, learning how to be the people God had in mind when God dreamed us up in the first place.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Who's There?
My mother recently died following four months of hospital and nursing home stays. During those stressful days, and especially at the time of her passing, my family and I were overwhelmed with cards, prayers, flowers at the funeral, e-mails, and other expressions of concern from our church, colleagues, and friends. All were greatly appreciated.
Additionally, my parents’ church, St. Stephens United Methodist Church of Burke, Virginia, has shown tremendous care and love to my family during this time, as well. They brought many delicious meals to my dad over the months of my mother’s struggles. The funeral service and reception afterwards were wonderful, and they continue to surround my dad with care as some of the church folks now drive him to his various doctors’ appointments. Some still even bring food! Since I live 900 miles away, this is a great source of comfort to me.
It’s such a blessing to experience the presence of God through the hands, feet, and hearts of God’s people when we face difficulties and loss in our lives. We see in their loving faces and kind actions the embodiment of the Gospel, that God does not abandon us; that God continues to bless us; that healing can occur and life is made new.
During our church's Taize’(tuh-ZAY)worship service last month, as I was meditating in the time of silence, I had the sensation that someone walked down the aisle of the chapel and stood next to me, as if having something to tell me. I actually turned and looked, but no one was there. On the drive home, my wife Mary, who was sitting in the pew behind me during the service, mentioned that she prayed for God’s presence in our lives as we were facing the numerous difficulties and crises in our family. She said that after her prayer, she had the feeling that someone came and sat next to her in the pew. When she looked, no one was there. It was striking to us both, especially when I replied, “I had the same experience.”
Upon later reflection, Mary observed that when she felt that presence next to her, and opened her eyes to look, she actually did see someone – it was the other gathered people of faith who were there in the worship service. She realized that God’s presence was found in them.
I think that’s something for all people of faith to remember, to look for, and to be – for indeed, we are God’s people. We are here for one another and for those we encounter and know elsewhere, as well!
Additionally, my parents’ church, St. Stephens United Methodist Church of Burke, Virginia, has shown tremendous care and love to my family during this time, as well. They brought many delicious meals to my dad over the months of my mother’s struggles. The funeral service and reception afterwards were wonderful, and they continue to surround my dad with care as some of the church folks now drive him to his various doctors’ appointments. Some still even bring food! Since I live 900 miles away, this is a great source of comfort to me.
It’s such a blessing to experience the presence of God through the hands, feet, and hearts of God’s people when we face difficulties and loss in our lives. We see in their loving faces and kind actions the embodiment of the Gospel, that God does not abandon us; that God continues to bless us; that healing can occur and life is made new.
During our church's Taize’(tuh-ZAY)worship service last month, as I was meditating in the time of silence, I had the sensation that someone walked down the aisle of the chapel and stood next to me, as if having something to tell me. I actually turned and looked, but no one was there. On the drive home, my wife Mary, who was sitting in the pew behind me during the service, mentioned that she prayed for God’s presence in our lives as we were facing the numerous difficulties and crises in our family. She said that after her prayer, she had the feeling that someone came and sat next to her in the pew. When she looked, no one was there. It was striking to us both, especially when I replied, “I had the same experience.”
Upon later reflection, Mary observed that when she felt that presence next to her, and opened her eyes to look, she actually did see someone – it was the other gathered people of faith who were there in the worship service. She realized that God’s presence was found in them.
I think that’s something for all people of faith to remember, to look for, and to be – for indeed, we are God’s people. We are here for one another and for those we encounter and know elsewhere, as well!
Once More, With Feeling: Still Here, Or Back Again?
After a couple of years of writing this blog, I ceased and desisted for a period of a year or two -- I'm not even sure how long it has been. In any case, I am giving it another go.
I expect the subjects mostly will relate to faith and religion, but I'm not going to strictly limit myself. So, if anyone ends up reading what I write, you may find some variety of topics.
It is difficult for me to resist making facetious remarks about the recent prediction of the Rapture, scheduled for last Saturday, but now revised to occur the day after my birthday in October. One more shot at yellow cake with chocolate frosting -- my favorite!
Of course, the Mayans also figured it to be December of next year, and when the movie 2012 hit the big screen I saw only previews. What I couldn't understand was why the stars of the film were attempting to escape via airplane. My questions were: "Where are they going, if the world is coming to an end?" and "Why are they flying so low, dodging collapsing buildings and bridges? Why not gain some altitude and fly over all the obstructions in their path?" Perhaps if I bothered to see the film, those questions would be answered. I guess I'll never know...
Years ago, when I was in seminary in Indianapolis, my friend Clark Shearer and I actually visited a "Christian" bookstore downtown. Much to our amusement, the store was selling postcards featuring an artist's depiction of the Rapture. Of course, it was a 20th Century vision, not a biblical one, although a scripture reference was cited. Clark and I each bought several copies of the postcard and enjoyed reminding each other of it occasionally through the years.
It's a little frightening to observe people taking seriously such specific predictions, which, of course, have littered the Christian landscape for many, many years. Why such matters capture the attention of believers when it's so difficult to get some church folks to make a priority of the teachings of Jesus, escapes me. It seems to me that we all could stand to work on how we might give expression to Jesus' answer to the question, "Which commandment is the greatest of them all?"
Loving God and loving our neighbor as ourselves would go a long way toward our living in the Realm of God here and now. And maybe the end of the world, Judgment Day, or the Rapture -- whatever you choose to call it -- wouldn't be such a pressing concern.
Besides, as I said to several people, I never got around to arranging with an atheist to take care of my dog...
I expect the subjects mostly will relate to faith and religion, but I'm not going to strictly limit myself. So, if anyone ends up reading what I write, you may find some variety of topics.
It is difficult for me to resist making facetious remarks about the recent prediction of the Rapture, scheduled for last Saturday, but now revised to occur the day after my birthday in October. One more shot at yellow cake with chocolate frosting -- my favorite!
Of course, the Mayans also figured it to be December of next year, and when the movie 2012 hit the big screen I saw only previews. What I couldn't understand was why the stars of the film were attempting to escape via airplane. My questions were: "Where are they going, if the world is coming to an end?" and "Why are they flying so low, dodging collapsing buildings and bridges? Why not gain some altitude and fly over all the obstructions in their path?" Perhaps if I bothered to see the film, those questions would be answered. I guess I'll never know...
Years ago, when I was in seminary in Indianapolis, my friend Clark Shearer and I actually visited a "Christian" bookstore downtown. Much to our amusement, the store was selling postcards featuring an artist's depiction of the Rapture. Of course, it was a 20th Century vision, not a biblical one, although a scripture reference was cited. Clark and I each bought several copies of the postcard and enjoyed reminding each other of it occasionally through the years.
It's a little frightening to observe people taking seriously such specific predictions, which, of course, have littered the Christian landscape for many, many years. Why such matters capture the attention of believers when it's so difficult to get some church folks to make a priority of the teachings of Jesus, escapes me. It seems to me that we all could stand to work on how we might give expression to Jesus' answer to the question, "Which commandment is the greatest of them all?"
Loving God and loving our neighbor as ourselves would go a long way toward our living in the Realm of God here and now. And maybe the end of the world, Judgment Day, or the Rapture -- whatever you choose to call it -- wouldn't be such a pressing concern.
Besides, as I said to several people, I never got around to arranging with an atheist to take care of my dog...
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